Plant-based options edge out Styrofoam in supermarkets

If you manage the meat, poultry or fish counter at a su […]

Allen King guests on the Green$ense radio show

Robert Colangelo, an environmental entrepreneur and aut […]

October 5th, 2011|Blog, Interview, Media Coverage, Sustainability|

Shopping bags don’t have to be environmentally bankrupt

Many retailers will be surprised to learn that branded […]

September 15th, 2011|Blog, Paper Bags, Retail, Retailers, Shopping Bags|

No more soggy food containers: introducing our new Ingeo-lined clamshells

Many foodservice operators, who might otherwise use bag […]

September 1st, 2011|Blog, Foodservice Solutions, Catering, Take-out/To-go, Compostable, Restaurant|

Now available: sustainable, single-serve food packaging bags

Designed for the fast-growing “food-to-go” and package […]

Grocery managers: now you can add extra green to your produce aisle

It’s rather ironic that, lurking the grocery aisle of m […]

August 6th, 2011|Grocery, Grocery + Produce, Supermarket Solutions, Blog, Compostable, GMO-free|

For your next party or wedding, show you care about the planet

Recognizing that caterers and party hosts are extremely […]

July 13th, 2011|Blog, Foodservice Solutions, Catering|

Wheat-based foodservice solutions offer an up-market, sustainable alternative to foam

We recently announced a new line of foodservice product […]

June 23rd, 2011|Blog, Foodservice Solutions, Catering, Take-out/To-go|

The R4 System: how we’re helping commercialize a new coffee cup

We recently announced the role Excellent Packaging is t […]

May 20th, 2011|Blog, Hot Cups, Foodservice Solutions|

BioMass Packaging has a new home on the Web

Today, we’re launching a new website that offers a comp […]

May 5th, 2011|Blog|